I've had these on the bench for way longer than is reasonable. I bought the new edition of the game when it first came out as I have great memories of playing third edition. My main memories of second edition are of painting the astrogranite pitch and hating the way it looked afterwards, and perhaps more distressingly, being given the box for my birthday and reading the rulebook in the car on the way to go ten pin bowling, my birthday treat. This lead to a nasty incident of travel sickness and throwing up in the lobby of the bowling place. But as I say, I loved third edition.
The first team to see some paint is the humans, because I really want to paint the orcs as they are my old team, and if I did them first I'd probably never paint the humans. I started painting them as soon as I opened the box, disliked the colour scheme I had chosen, and promptly stalled for two years. In fact they were the last thing I started painting before my hobby dropped off in favour of fatherhood.
Here's a quick shot of a before/after type nature.
As you can see, I was going for a rather clean look, based off a miami dolphins kit. I didn't like the bright orange, and my turquoise is rubbish, so I went a bit more lo-fi with a turquoisey-blue armour colour, and brown on all the trimmings. Glad I did, as I think it gives them a bit more of an old world, less polished feel.
I decided also to dirty them up, and make sure the blood is firmly in blood bowl. To this end I have used Tamiya clear red to bloody up the frontline troops such as the linemen, ogre, and to a lesser extent the blitzers, whilst the catchers are more muddy and beaten up, and the throwers, lingering towards backfield, are relatively clean.
The ogre is my favourite, and I started with his face, and was very pleased with it. So pleased that I didn't really want to paint the rest of him in case I screwed it up, but paint him I did, and he's come out alright.
This little distraction has reminded me how long GW models now take to paint. The scale creep has meant that you can't get away with a few brush strokes, everything takes time, needs to be looked at from every angle to avoid missing something, and is just generally a bit more tedious. I have got somewhat bored with painting in the past, and found myself having the same feeling towards the end of this project. Then I remembered I have painted an entire 1000pt British army without even a hint of the loathing I felt for batch painting these. I guess I much prefer painting proper 28mm miniatures, and painting modern GW miniatures just bores me. That said, I'm happy with the overall finished product, and fully intend to keep on painting all the new Blood Bowl teams, including the positionals when forge world gets round to releasing the damn things. Star players are no for me though. £18 for one human sized miniature is too rich for my tastes.
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