Back to the present, though. I'm initially collecting these ww2 forces for Bolt Action, on the basis that you need a lot more stuff for that game than for Chain of Command. I'm more keen on the latter game, but BA is nice and easy for casual play. I've been using the Normandy force selectors to start off with.
I'm planning on two separate German forces, a Heer platoon and an SS platoon. At the moment I have two squads from each and they mix happily to make a Bolt Action army, but I'm aware that I should paint up the full requirement of each for CoC. That said, I've nearly finished some support elements for the SS. The Normandy selector allows for 2 machine gun teams and a mortar. These have not come out as good as I'd hoped, and I'm not sure if it is varnish issues, or in some cases the patchy quality of some of the sculpts. Either way, I'm calling them done apart from adding some more vegetation. I'm going to have to wait until after the current crisis is over to get my hands on some, though.
I'm really not pleased with how these came out in the slightest.
On top of these, I have also managed to finish off the final elements of the British Platoon:
Not my best work, particularly in terms of the Germans, but I'm calling them done anyway. I'm pleased that I have actually finished a complete British army with all options (apart from all the available tanks, but I dislike painting tanks, so a couple will have to suffice.
I'm looking forward to my Gripping Beast delivery arriving. I have more SS metals to do, but after the state of these, I'd really like to move on to some Dark Ages for a little break.
An excellent collection of Brits and Germans and the mixed camo is very effective. Varnish can be a temperamental bugger at times and brush rather than spray is a safer option, although I have used both.