Hello again, yawning void of readership.
I'm going to try and return to blogging my games and activities again for a bit of accountability, and for the sake of the record. So here's a quick photo dump of a couple of first attempts at new games. First off, What a Tanker, in which a Sherman Firefly lay in wait for a Tiger I in an orchard, but came out in the losing side of things.
More happened. This was a three player game, all v all, with myself in charge of the Tiger. There were two panzers taking shots at my rear, controlled by Doug, while Chris controlled the firefly. We had no idea the tiger would be strong enough to sweep all before it, though, and I felt like a swine playing it. I was rolling obscenely well, too. This was one of my armour rolls, and I was rolling like this for pretty much the whole game.
I like WaT, nice and quick, and ideal for multiplayer, so I'm going to paint up a few more tanks and find some more victi... opponents.
Next up, was our first try of Blood Eagle from Ministry of Gentlemanly warfare. A viking raid on a surprisingly well defended little settlement. We didn't use any complications or fancy scenarios as we just wanted to get a feel for the ruleset.
Blood Eagle is a nice little game. Fast and straightforward. From the first play I'd say forces need to be evenly matched in terms of numbers for a straight up fight such as this. I'm looking forward to using the toolbox to build some interesting scenarios, and expanding my dark age terrain.
That's it. Short and sweet, but the seal has been broken. I have a CoC campaign nearly ready to roll, some dropzone commander, and a few other projects in the pipeline, so hopefully more will be upcoming soon.
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